Seven old university friends have gathered together in a country hotel in Scotland.
They dine, they drink, they take walks. They reminisce.
They find themselves facing up to a number of issues from their shared and not shared pasts, they debate, they argue and they bicker as only old friends can who share a history of 35 years of lives lived.
Lives lived well and perhaps not quite so well as intended or hoped for.
As the snow falls on the Scottish countryside some of the friends learn truths that they would rather have not known.
They learn with considerable pain that things they thought they had always known as great truths were, all long, really nothing more than, at worst, great lies, or, at the very best, false assumptions or merely misunderstandings. And that what once tasted good now tasted sour.
Tajalli Keshavarz has written a very important book that is melancholic and which shines a strong beam of sunlight into the lives of seven old friends and lovers. And, after all, don't they say that sunlight is the best disinfectant?
It's published by Matador at £10.00 and will be available from 28th July.