Researched written and edited by the team of Johnny Acton, Tania Adams and Matt Packer, the book details well in excess of 400 everyday items, and gives some pretty comprehensive anecdotes and tales about them all.
The book is filled to the brim with some highly entertaining and fascinating facts and details. For example did you know that the first aerosol dispenser can was invented in 1899 by German scientists Helbling and Pertsch?
The book is filled to the brim with some highly entertaining and fascinating facts and details. For example did you know that the first aerosol dispenser can was invented in 1899 by German scientists Helbling and Pertsch?
Or that the Babylonians devised a prototype and extremely clever form of air conditioning?
That the first car vehicle safety airbag was developed in the early 1950s by American naval engineer, John W. Hetrick?
That the first car vehicle safety airbag was developed in the early 1950s by American naval engineer, John W. Hetrick?
Or how many of us knew that the first automatic fire alarm and smoke detector was developed by a Birmingham electrical engineer called George Darby? And which highly unusual component was used as the heat detector in this amazing device that was, arguably, years ahead of itself? You will find the answer on page 20 of this highly enjoyable and most entertaining book.
Also, discover the location of the first bank ATMs, how bowling was developed, how the first electrical burglar alarm was invented as long ago as in 1852, how World War 1 played a part in women's beauty in the 1920s and how Rugy developed into the sport that we know today.
The book is copiously illustrated with very well executed line drawings and covers everything in alphabetical order from aerosol cans right through to Zipper, nearly 320 pages later.
It is hardback, and published by Think Books at a cover price of £14.99.
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