
Saturday 31 January 2015

Wildfire, an entertaining book for children of all ages

Lemuel Squirrel lives the life of a hermit in his home deep within the Oregon Forest.

He has a reputation as being a harmless, lovable eccentric old Squirrel.

But Lemuel has a secret, in reality the life he leads is nothing more than an elaborate and cunningly contrived cover story.

For even those who are nearest and dearest to him are completely oblivious to the fact that the real Lemuel Squirrel is a top rated, yet maverick, secret agent!

However, unbeknown to Lemuel, dark forces are at work that will soon shatter the idyllic life of not only himself but those around him, also.

His cover has been blown by shadowy and potentially dangerous enemy spies, who are watching and waiting for the chance to obtain a treasure map that they have been briefed about, that they are sure is in the possession of Lemuel Squirrel!

Amidst all of the cloak and dagger machinations of his formidable enemies, disaster strikes the Oregon Forest when lightening-induced wildfires rip through the trees and the glades.

Lemuel takes upon himself the onerous task for not only saving his own life but that of his nephew but of his loyal friends, too.

In an old fashioned example of daring-do that would have made even James Bond gasp with admiration, he save everyone by using his secret airship to whisk them to safety.

But is Lemuel really whisking them to safety, or is he inadvertently moving them into even greater danger as the deadly and ruthless enemy agents attempt to thwart Secret Agent Lemuel Squirrel's latest top secret assignment?

But who is directing the enemy secret agents? And what is their evil and nefarious purpose?

It's an intelligent a very good read, and at £8.99 paperback it will make an excellent present for the avid young reader and also for their parents and grandparents, too.

It's written by Peter Wilks and is published by Matador and the ISBN is 978-1-78462-150-6.

It is also available as a Kindle version.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

New title for this blog

You will have noticed that That's Books is now called That's books and Entertainment.

This is because it has bene decided to consolidate two blogs, That's Books and That's Entertainment.

This blog will still carry book news and reviews but it will also now carry news about DVDs, TV programmes, music and the like.

We hope you will like the new blog.

Sunday 28 December 2014

You can buy the books we review and many other books, too, at That's books!

Yes, you can buy the books we review and many other books, too, at That's books!
Where? At the special Amazon-powered bookshop which you will find at the righthand side of That's Books.

The advantage of buying the books we have reviewed from the That's Books bookshop is that you can order the latest books right away, with the review still fresh in your mind or even still open in another tab!

And of course, as the That's Books store is powered by the highly efficient Amazon system, you can also buy anything else that you might want to buy from a Kindle to a piece of art, from a watch to a computer and from a digital camera to the latest Downton Abbey video. And all at discounted prices, some with pretty heavy discounts, too.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

In Love with Paris

Thérèse provides top tips for penning the perfect circular letter

Novelist Thérèse, was so enlightened by time spent in Paris that she was led to write her latest novel, Letter from Paris, a witty and glamorous account of an inspirational characters trip to the city of light and romance, here she provides us with some top tips on penning the perfect circular letter during the holiday season.

“I'm always delighted to hear from people at Christmas. We live far away from many of our beloved family and friends. We keep in touch year round by email, phone and Facebook but of course it’s great to hear from people you've lost touch with over the years, but then sometimes when you get their circular letter you're reminded why you lost touch in the first place. They can be so impersonal.
If you feel the urge to share the highlights of your 2014 in a circular letter may I make the following suggestions based on a few we have had over the years?

1.       It is the HOLIDAY season…as in merry and jolly and peaceful. This is NOT the time of year or the correct way to announce the death of your dog or worse of a family member. We feel empathy. Don’t have us crying into our mince pies.

2.       Remember not everyone has summered in Italy, wintered in the Alps or scaled Mount Kilimanjaro. If 2014 has been our ‘Annus Horribilis’ you will only make us feel worse.

3.       Some of us have forgotten all about you, (what with you never returning calls or dropping us a postcard) and so the news of your recent wedding may spark a range of emotions, not all of them good.

4.       Avoid a literary tone you will come across as pretentious. If you feel the need to describe ‘the jacarandas of startling purple’ why not get yourself a blog?

5.       If you personalize your ending with a handwritten note try not to make it generic. Yes we are all well thank you and yes we hope 2015 is a really great one for you too.  We really do.  

Read more about Thérèse’s adventures at and pick up her latest novel ‘Letter from Paris’, published by The Story Plant and available from Amazon $11.71, as well as Kindle.

Monday 22 December 2014

That's Christmas: Lillian. A book by Dorothy Blake

That's Christmas: Lillian. A book by Dorothy Blake: Lillian is the biography of Lillian Vickers. She was a pretty girl, typical of many girls of her time, when she went to work on a farm. ...

Sunday 21 December 2014

That's Christmas: The Girl on the Pier

That's Christmas: The Girl on the Pier: The Girl on the Pier is a new novel by Paul Tomkins. It concerns the story of Patrick Clement, a skilled and expert forensic sculptor w...

That's Christmas: Don't panic! You can still get great presents for ...

That's Christmas: Don't panic! You can still get great presents for ...: You can still get great presents for Christmas! Amazon is great, as you can even buy e-mail gift tokens from them on December 25th! Al...

Saturday 20 December 2014

That's Christmas: Letter from Paris, a new novel

That's Christmas: Letter from Paris, a new novel: Buying a Christmas present for someone who is keen on romantic novels? Then you need look no further, as Letter From Paris will be the rig...

Tuesday 9 December 2014

That's Christmas: Angels, Dreams and Messages

That's Christmas: Angels, Dreams and Messages: Angels, Dreams and Messages is a book by Frederick Charles. Frederick Charles has all the appearance of a modern renaissance man. Which ...

Monday 8 December 2014

That's Christmas: Who's Who in Thomas Hardy

That's Christmas: Who's Who in Thomas Hardy: Who's who in Thomas Hardy is a book by Huw Barker Rahane that needs to be on the bookshelves of every Thomas Hardy fan in the world. ...

Friday 5 December 2014

That's Christmas: Rusty and Friends

That's Christmas: Rusty and Friends: Rusty and Friends is a book by Marianne Parry. It is a book for children, which deals with a range of important topics such as friendship, b...

Sunday 16 November 2014

That's Christmas: Boris and the Dumb Skulls

That's Christmas: Boris and the Dumb Skulls: What can one say about the latest book by author Frank Hinks' Ramion series? It tells the story of Boris who used to be a punk rock...

Sunday 21 September 2014

Monday 17 February 2014

Time Travelling Toby and the Battle of Britain

Time Travelling Toby and the Battle of Britain is the story of Toby. Toby is, apparently, a fairly normal boy. Unremarkable, one might say.

Except for the fact that Toby has an amazing secret. He has a time machine, cunningly disguised as a sports car!

The book is written by Graham Jones (in rhyme, but don't worry, it's really coolly done!) and stunningly illustrated by Neil Parkinson.

The book tells of the amazing adventures Toby and his brothers have when they fly back in time to the Second World War, the time of the famed Battle of Britain.

They get attacked by a Stuka dive bomber, help warn Fighter Command of the German attack and still get back in time for their tea!

The story is not too long, so is ideal for parents to read to their children and everyone will love the detailed blueprints of the designs for the time car.

The book also contains factually accurate information about the Battle of Britain.

ISBN 978 0 9926365 0 0.

At £6.99 it's money well spent. Learn more at