
Sunday 22 December 2013

"Map" found at Stonehenge

The second edition of The Stonehenge Enigma by Robert John Langdon has been published.

In it Mr Langdon claims that a map, dating back some 6,000 years, has been found at Stonehenge. And that this map (which was partially buried) depicts the legendary island of Atlantis.

However Mr Langdon is swift to point out that this is no legendary Atlantis situated off Africa or in the Mediterranean. This 'Atlantis' was a very real place, now under the North Sea and which is described as Doggerland by archaeologists.

The book is a fascinating read and Mr Langon makes some compelling points.

It is published by ABC in hardback and costs £14.99. The ISBN is 978-1-907979-02-6.

It is an ideal stocking filler for anyone interested in history and archaeology.

You can learn more at

Saturday 21 December 2013

Beardog's Big Adventure

Beardog's Big Adventure is a charming book by Susie Tinson about a very friendly, very large and somewhat strange looking dog who is called Beardog.

Beardog lives on the streets of a small, Portuguese town called Ferragudo.

He roams round the town with his best friend Barnie, hunting for food and looking for friends amongst the many holidaymakers who visit the town.

But Beardog is sad. He doesn't belong to anyone or anywhere and he is desperate to find a loving home.

But Barnie has heard of a place far, far away where odd-looking animals are accepted and made to feel very welcome, cherished and loved.

This is Beardog's Big Adventure.

It is an extremely well-told story ideal for children and their parents. It is very well illustrated.

It is in hardback from and costs £9.99.

It is an ideal Christmas present.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Great Detective Returns! Sherlock Holmes faces some new cases

The Great Detective Returns! is a collection of new Sherlock Holmes short stories by N.M. Scott.

There is nothing wrong with the stories, but I was left with a feeling that they could have been so much better than they were. Nowhere near enough was made of Holmes' vast knowledge of the forensic sciences, and it appears that the Holmes of these stories almost stumbled upon his deductions by accident.

There were a few points that made it clear that, despite the deliberate impression that the stories were by Dr Watson an Englishman of the late 19th and early 20th Century, that the stories are written in the 21st Century and this did jar a little, it has to be said.

However, having said that the book is a hardback by the Book Guild and at £16.99 will make the dedicated Sherlock Holmes fan an admirable stocking filler.

ISBN 978 1 84624 955 6.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Sunday 30 June 2013

Fatal Tears. The Journeys of Rupert Windfield by Stuart Fifield

Rupert Windfield is young, he is an Egyptologist but then he decided to escape from his family and even his career.

Soon he has thrown it all over for a somewhat dubious career as a tour guide on a Nile paddle steamer.

The Great War (still yet to gain the title First World War) was now a memory and, once again, wealthy were in Egypt once again, thronging to look at the remains of one of antiquities' former great civilisations.

At first, the trip is normal. Or as normal as one can expect with a varied collection of the indolent, the ignorant and the prejudiced all in the mobile hothouse that was a Nile paddle steamer.

But soon, young Winfield realises that not is all that it seems on this journey. Some of the guests have secrets, some seem to be more than they might appear at first glimpse.

Accidents start to happen. But why? What is happening? Why is it happening?

This thriller ranges through time and space amongst various locations in Africa and beyond. Stuart Fifield spent time growing up in Uganda and Kenya, where his father was a civil servant. He later lived in the Seychelles and South Africa and he was able to use his experiences as a foundation stone for his novel.

It is published in hardback at £17.99 by the Book Guild. The ISBN is 978 1 84624 872 6.