Eltham Lodge Where Perfection meets Convenience is an absolutely sumptuous book by John H. Bunney.
Eltham Lodge is a stunning Grade 1 Listed Building which is said to be one the the best and finest surviving examples of Restoration architecture.
For almost a century it has been the home of The Royal Blackheath Golf Club, which is England's oldest golf club.
However, for some reason the long and diverse history and stories of the Lodge has been virtually ignored and neglected. The gifted and talented architect of the Lodge, Hugh May, had also suffered from neglect.
Author John H. Bunney has trawled libraries, collections and archives to ferret out fascinating details of the architect, the owners of the Lodge and its occupants, its architectural history and the growth and evolution of its truly stunning parkland setting.
The book is stunningly illustrated with photographs, paintings, etc and will be an excellent read for members of the club, golfing enthusiasts, those interested in the Eltham area and also those who are interested in Restoration architecture.
It's published by Impress at £40.00 in hardback. It's available on Amazon at about half price.