
Sunday 19 April 2020

One Last Shot

One Last Shot is a continuation of the journey of Freddie and Jo-Jo. In his semi-autobiographical romantic novel, Stephen Anthony Brotherton asks an interesting question. Can first love ever be re-ignited? Should it be?

It's the conclusion of the trilogy of Freddie and Jo-Jo, using flashbacks to show how they met and fell in love in their teenage years, what happened to make them drift away from each other, what their lives were like in the intervening years and what transpired when, three decades later, they met, again.

You'll remember that at the culmination of the second book, An Extra Shot, Jo-Jo had revealed to Freddie her terrible secret. He was sent into a state of shock and confusion, leaving him feeling hurt and vulnerable. This has left Jo-Jo worried, because it's obvious to her that he hasn't taken it well.

So, how will Freddie react? What will Jo-Jo do? How will it all work out? Will they find again what they once had, but lost?

It's a fitting conclusion to the trilogy.

It's published by The Book Guild at £7.99.

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