Stormfront is a new detective thriller from R. S. Sutton.
It features impecunious private detective Valerie Stone who owns a valuable old watch and a vintage jaguar.
She's already aware that she consumes far too many French cigarettes lives on a houseboat moored on the Thames. She has male admirers that she manages to keep at arms length.
A very lucrative insurance investigation job comes along which will keep her and her assistant Jane afloat for a while longer. Just have to pad the expenses out a bit, OK?
It was a simple job. Body found on the south coast. Just compile a report, take the insurance company's money and... things never go quite as smoothly as hoped.
Jane finds that a secretive, covert organisation also has an interest in the dead body and they blackmail her.
Some people will not say anything, other people are feeding misinformation to Jane and suddenly Valerie, Jane and others around her find themselves deep inside a storm. A very foul storm, indeed.
This is a good detective thriller, which also contains a good deal of pathos.
I hope we will read more novels featuring Valerie Stone and Jane in the future.
It's published by The Book Guild at £8.99.